Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Creepy Old Man...

Well, I ran into some creepy old man at the library. He was talking to the librarian about... something. He wrote something down in a book then left. Not entirely sure what was up with him... I think he was blind or something.


So the local theatre group performed a play called "Woods" today. I had no idea what the play was like, but I bought a ticket anyway. It was a really creepy play. Basically a bunch of teens go into some woods and get slaughtered by a faceless man wearing a business suit. Not entirely sure what the hell THAT was about, but apparently it was paid for through a "generous donation by the Proxy Group for Fine Arts (PGFA)". I'm just confused as hell... Seriously, what the heck?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Local Cult

Yknow, I never did mention, but there's also a cult in town. Something about angels. They pass out phamplets on street corners telling people to "Embrace Him", whatever that means. They even managed to get onto Local Access apparently. Their headquarters-some run-down church-has a sign in front of it saying "catch our new ad on Tower TV!". Of course, they neglected to mention what channel Tower TV was ON, so I'm just confused more than anything.

Monday, October 29, 2012

My wierdo teacher

God, I hate my history teacher. All he does is teach us ever little detail about the revolutionary war. He's fricking obsessed with it. Ever since he went on that vacation over to Ichor Lake, it's all he does. It's a pretty weird name for a vacation spot, don'tcha think? Though apparently it's a popular spot for swimming. And apparently there are a lot of people that go camping there? I mean, I've been told there are lots of campers there, I dunno... I might have to go visit there some time.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Intros and Examples

Hello Blog-O-Sphere!
I'm Bluesunnyday, Blue for short, and I started this blog to discuss the odd goings-on in my town.
Frankly, my town is a bit on the odd side.
It's a quiet little town firmly stuck in between Zilch and Nada, off in the woods of Rochester, New York. Full of trees, incredibly cold, a huge library, plenty of birds, a large lake and a creepily dedicated puppeteering community. The people are kinda weird too.

So that's why I started this blog, to act as a sorta gripe-fest about the crazy people in this town. Honestly, sometimes I feel like the only sane person around!

Like today, I saw this one member of the aforementioned puppeteering comunnity, just walking down the street. Except he was walking pretty funny. It was really odd and jerky. I think he might've been drunk. I just gave him a wide berth, really, didn't want to get involved with a drunk puppeteer.,,

I'll be posting more examples of the oddities of my town as they continue. Stay tuned folks.